Christmas and life's promise

Christmas offers different themes to reflect upon, and this year I am moved by the idea of promise. Jesus' birth is a divine promise fulfilled, the much-awaited birth which, ironically, few people were aware of. And this birth also promises salvation to mankind, which not all then believed.

Further thoughts lead me to seeing Christianity as a belief founded on a promise; and a promise, just like a person's life, implies historicity. A promise is made and it takes some time before it's fulfilled. Isn't it the testament between God and Noah, God and Abraham, God and Moses, which binds the people of this very faith, which is characterised by history and the fulfilment of God's promises?

Everyone's life, including mine, is a life built on a promise. In fact, you promise not only to someone, but also to yourself about what kind of 'you' you want to live. So promise here implies a purpose. A promise fulfilled is, then, a purposeful life achieved.

And just like nobody will give you a second chance once you break a promise,you will hardly forgive yourself when you don't exert the best effort to reach the finish line. Your lifetime is limited and there is no way returning.

God has a promise for you, which you have to discover. And you've got to promise to yourself. Christmas reminds me that everyone is born with a purpose.

1 comment:

  1. pada akhirnya beragama adalah persoalan menunaikan janji --dengan apapun itu-- dalam hidup yang singkat ini..


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