Christmas and life's promise

Christmas offers different themes to reflect upon, and this year I am moved by the idea of promise. Jesus' birth is a divine promise fulfilled, the much-awaited birth which, ironically, few people were aware of. And this birth also promises salvation to mankind, which not all then believed.

Further thoughts lead me to seeing Christianity as a belief founded on a promise; and a promise, just like a person's life, implies historicity. A promise is made and it takes some time before it's fulfilled. Isn't it the testament between God and Noah, God and Abraham, God and Moses, which binds the people of this very faith, which is characterised by history and the fulfilment of God's promises?

Everyone's life, including mine, is a life built on a promise. In fact, you promise not only to someone, but also to yourself about what kind of 'you' you want to live. So promise here implies a purpose. A promise fulfilled is, then, a purposeful life achieved.

And just like nobody will give you a second chance once you break a promise,you will hardly forgive yourself when you don't exert the best effort to reach the finish line. Your lifetime is limited and there is no way returning.

God has a promise for you, which you have to discover. And you've got to promise to yourself. Christmas reminds me that everyone is born with a purpose.

German homophones

Learning German, I can't help but associate teuer (expensive) with French tuer (to kill). Well, something expensive can really kill you.

And German schnell (fast) sounds a bit like English snail. But snail ain't schnell.

ASEAN menegakkan dagu

Lama-lama ASEAN dipandang satu paket ekonomi, satu entitas politik yang merangkul 10 negara sekaligus. Dan negara-negara raksasa juga makin melirik, mencoba memikat hati. Contoh sederhana adalah pertukaran dan konferensi pemuda ASEAN-Jepang, ASEAN-Korea, ASEAN-Cina, ASEAN-India, ASEAN-AS.

Ada segi baik dan buruknya. Ada kesan seolah-olah satu negara anggota ASEAN bukanlah apa-apa tanpa kehadiran sembilan anggota lain. Tetapi seperti pernah kubilang, kawasan di simpang Asia-Australia ini bak bunga yang jadi bahan rebutan kumbang bangsa-bangsa lain.

Pernahkah ASEAN berupaya menyebarkan pengaruh, yang juga mengundang dan tidak melulu diundang? Yang membikin program besar-besaran dan mengajak pemuda dari luar kawasan untuk bertandang? Sehingga tidak cuma warga pemuda ASEAN yang terpana, waah toilet Jepang canggih, waah ini lokasi syuting drama Korea, lalu selfie dengan antusias? Sehingga ASEAN juga bisa menegakkan dagu di depan para raksasa?

Posted on Facebook on 21 December 2013.

When Hume and Kant met each other

In a soirée of philosophers

Hume: 'Hi mate. I'm Hume. Can you tell me what your name is?'
Kant: 'Kant.'
Hume: 'Really? How come?'
Kant: 'Dunno. It was my parents.'
Hume: 'That's strange. They didn't give you a name.'
Kant: 'Yes, they did.'
Hume: 'So, can you tell me?'
Kant: 'Kant.'
Hume: 'Well, I've got to go. See you around, Mr-who-can't-say-his-name.'
Kant: ???


The ice-cream brand Häagen-Dazs is truly a cheesy name. It isn't derived from any European language, nor does it have any particular meaning or etymology. The creator named it just to sound "Danish" and used it as a marketing strategy, as if the product were made somewhere in Scandinavia (in this case, Denmark). In fact, the letter ä is not found in Danish, and the digraph "zs" is only used in Hungarian. So where does it come from actually? New York.

Posted on Facebook on 6 December 2013.

Route, root, rout

"Route" can rhyme with "root" or "rout", depending on which bulé you are talking to.

Dewa Babilonia

Tiga dewa-dewi dalam mitos penciptaan Babilonia: Apsu, Tiamat, Mummu. Nama-nama yang unyu.

Tujuh keajaiban dunia, cerita rekaan Indonesia

Salah satu cerita rekaan kolektif orang Indonesia adalah daftar tujuh keajaiban dunia, yang selain memasukkan (1) Candi Borobudur, juga konon meliputi (2) Taj Mahal, (3) Kabah, (4) Tembok Cina, (5) Menara Eiffel, (6) Menara Pisa, dan (7) Koloseum. Entah siapa yang memulai, daftar ini menjadi seakan-akan otoritatif dan tertanam di pikiran banyak pelajar Indonesia--salah satunya mungkin karena ketujuh foto situs ini sering dicetak dalam atlas-atlas untuk murid SD dan SMP.

Padahal, UNESCO sendiri (kalau kita semua mengakui bahwa organisasi inilah satu-satunya yang berwenang menyusun daftar warisan budaya, tidak seperti usaha main-mainan New7Wonders) tidak pernah membikin daftar demikian. Bahkan, dari daftar khayalan Indonesia tersebut, Kabah dan Menara Eiffel pun tidak termasuk Daftar Situs Warisan Dunia dari UNESCO!

Maka konyollah ketika di tahun 2007 silam orang-orang dan media massa Indonesia menangisi "kekalahan" Borobudur dari daftar bergengsi ini. Sebab, sesungguhnya tidak ada yang hilang, karena sejak semula Borobudur memang tidak masuk daftar tujuh keajaiban versi siapa pun kecuali versi bikinan orang Indonesia sendiri.

Diposkan di Facebook pada 25 November 2013.
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