What's cooking, doc?

In English, (1) somebody who's got a PhD and (2) somebody who's licensed to treat injured or sick people are both called doctor. Bahasa Indonesia distinguishes them: doktor for the former and dokter for the latter. And the abbreviations are different, too: Dr. (capital D) means doktor and dr. means dokter.

So if your name is Philo Sophia and you're a medical doctor who happens to earn a doctorate degree, your name with the titles would be written: Dr. dr. Philo Sophia.

Harry Potter and the Catholic Orders

If Franciscans belong to Hufflepuff,
and Dominicans to Ravenclaw,
Jesuits would go to ... ? I can't decide between Gryffindor and Slytherin.

Salah jurusan (?)

Aku lulusan SMA jurusan IPA. Tetapi, sebenarnya di hari pertama masuk kelas 2, aku mendapat kelas IPS--beberapa bulan sebelumnya aku memang mendaftar ke jurusan IPS. Sayang, itu cuma bertahan sampai bel istirahat. Karena setelah itu, guru BP masuk ke kelas dan memanggilku. Sambil membawaku ke kelas IPA, dia bilang, "Ini kesalahan. Kamu harus IPA. HARUS."
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